[b][i][center] Mr. Harrison and the two mounties, Magnus and Ulrich, escorted everyone to the loge deck where they were each given a luxury box in which to rest for the night. Many struggled to get to sleep, trying to make sense of the day that had just turned their world upside down. Spikes McGee was among them. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he hadn't been able to think of that would resolve this matter quickly. As he always did when he needed some time to think, he decided he would head down to the locker room for some exercise. After all, getting the blood pumping would be just the thing to get his mind focused on the villains. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Spikes_Entry.jpg[/img] However, he didn't see the Clutchers' mascot, Homer Simian, hiding behind the pillar in the dark. As he always did, he began with some crunches in the middle of the floor. That was the best place to be seen by any and all. Spikes was in the best shape of everyone on the team, and he wanted people to see how easy it was for him to do hundreds of crunches a day. He then moved to some push-ups, of which he outclassed his teammates by far. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Spikes_Pre_Hit.jpg[/img] Quietly, the mascot moved towards him and raised his crowbar. Spikes was counting loudly as he raised and lowered his body. 45! 46! 47! 48! [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Spikes_Killed.jpg[/img] "49É 50." Said the mascot quietly with each blow. *** In the morning, the party was summoned from their luxury boxes back to the locker room by Magnus and Ulrich. Neither Bob Scorat or Spikes McGee were among them. Mr. Harrison and Josef addressed the crowd. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Day_2_Recap.jpg[/img] "Unfortunately, another one of our ballplayers was found killed this morning." Mr. Harrison was having difficulty getting the words out, and motioned to Josef to continue. "I am sure you all have noticed zat Spikes McGee is not with us," he began. "He was found murdered in zis very locker room before you all were brought here zis morning. You have Magnus and Ulrich to zank for ze clean floor. I am also very sad to have to tell you zat it appears neither Mr. Zcorat or Mr. McGee were mafia. "Lastly, all ze bats are being confiscated from zis room. There will be no more silly pinata games today, I am afraid. "I do hope you make zome wiser decisions today." *** [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/The_Stadium_Lockdown.jpg[/img] [/center][/i][/b] [size=150][b]Rules[/b][/size] - Please read these carefully! [list=1] [*]Each player will be given a character to play who will be aligned with either the Town, the Mafia (scum), or niether. Town wins when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive. Mafia wins when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring. Any other party characters will have their own win conditions outlined in their roles. [*]Each day you will vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format: [b]Vote: Character (Name/Forum Handle)[/b]. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; [b]Unvote: Character (Name/Forum Handle)[/b]. No other format will be accepted. You may unvote and revote as many times as you like. The player with the most votes at the end of a game day will be lynched. If there is a tie then the first player to achieve this vote count will be lynched. Failing to post in the day thread will result in a vote penalty the following day equal to the remaining number of players divided by 4, rounded up. You may not vote for yourself. [*]A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end after 72 hours, unless the group are decided on a lynch and the moderator decides to end it early. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage. They will not be accepted after this deadline has passed. [*]The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. [*]You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game hosts via PM. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. [*]Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. Metagame at your own risk. [*]If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. Please respect those still alive by keeping what you know to yourself until the game is over. [*]You may not edit your posts. Editing a post will result in a vote penalty the same day, equal to the number of remaining players divided by 4, rounded up. [*]If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. No other communication with the hosts will be accepted or acknowledged. [*]Any interpretation of rules that require clarification is at the hosts discretion and the host's word is final. You are more than welcome to PM the host for any clarification needed that you feel may be too revealing to ask in this thread. [*]Violation of the above rules will result in vote penalties at the host's discretion, with the possibility of death for repeated offenses.[/list] [size=150][b]Players[/b][/size] [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Ulysses_G_Harrison.jpg[/img] [b]Ulysses G. Harrison - NPC[/b] Ulysses is the owner of the Clutchers, and has known that something fishy was going on, but has so far been unable to stop it, a situation reflected in his appearance if not his demeanor. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Josef.jpg[/img] [b]Josef - NPC[/b] It’s a bit unclear exactly where Josef is from, but he dresses like Sherlock Holmes and clearly knows what he’s doing. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Magnus.jpg[/img] [b]Magnus - NPC[/b] For some odd reason, he doesn't remind you at all of Inspector Fenwick. The beret doesn't help. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Ulrich.jpg[/img] [b]Ulrich - NPC[/b] A Royal Canadian Mountie with a black doo-rag and a Katana strapped to his back? [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Gavin_Black.jpg[/img] [b]Gavin Black - Played by Kevin L (Featherheads)[/b] You are the Clutcher's cleanup hitter, and you're always trying to take the ladies deep, too, but you're more likely to swing and miss in both situations. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Thomas_Hutchins.jpg[/img] [b]Thomas Hutchins - Played by John (PEBA Commissioner)[/b] You are the team's dependable ace, a veteran who's seen it all, and little phases you at this stage of your career. The offense may be bleak, but you're regularly among the league leaders in most pitching stats. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Janet_Ingram.jpg[/img] [b]Janet Ingram - Played by James (Longshoremen)[/b] You are the Clutcher's public relations representative. You have recently denied any truth to rumors of romantic invovlement with Laird Wausden. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Rick_Leonardson.jpg[/img] [b]Rick Leonardson - Played by Tyler (Allehenies)[/b] You are the Clutcher's head statistician, a position you have the education for but were ultimately given because you are the owner's nephew. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Olivia_Parsons.jpg[/img] [b]Olivia Parsons - Played by Bob (Bulldozers)[/b] A single mother and ex-college softball player, you love bringing your son Todd to Clutchers games. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Todd_Parsons.jpg[/img] [b]Todd Parsons - Played by Dan (Bureaucrats)[/b] You're the 12 year old son of Olivia, and have been a die hard Clutchers fan longer than you can remember. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Vinny_Patek.jpg[/img] [b]Vinny Patek - Played by Kevn V (Evas)[/b] A die hard Beavers fan living in Clutcher's country, you never miss a game when the Beavers visit, and you take plenty of joy in how your team has dominated the matchup in recent years. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Marcy_Swanson.jpg[/img] [b]Marcy Swanson - Played by Nigel (Underground)[/b] You regularly sing the national anthem at Clutcher's games, but missed your opportunity with the cancellation of today's game. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Suka_Tingenek.jpg[/img] [b]Suka Tingenek - Played by Paul (Trendsetters)[/b] You hail from Kivalina, AK and have been an avid follower of Laird Wausden ever since his days as a minor leaguer. [size=150][b]Deceased[/b][/size] [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Laird_Wausden.jpg[/img] [b]Laird Wausden - NPC[/b] Wausden was slated to start the first game of the Beaver series before he was found murdered in the showers. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Bob_Scorat.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Scorat_Dead.jpg[/img] [b]Bob Scorat - Played by Mike (Borealis)[/b] - Lynched on Day 1 - [b]TOWN[/b] You are the player agent for Laird Wausden. [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Spikes_McGee.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rhinopeel.com/media/PEBA/Baseball_Mafia/Spikes_Dead.jpg[/img] [b]Spikes McGee - Played by Brian (Sandgnats)[/b] - Killed on Night 1 - [b]TOWN[/b] You are the speedy leadoff hitter that drives the Clutcher's offense. You're easily the best player in a troubled lineup and you know it. [center][b][i]*** Day 2 has now begun. The day will last 72 hours. You may not vote for the first 24 hours. This thread is exclusively for active participants in the game. In-character posts only, please.[/i][/b][/center] Image Manipulation: - Shrink to 500x375 - Desaturate based on Luminosity - Add layer - Fill with gray (hex 636363) - Render Difference Clouds - - Detail:1, x: 16, y: 16 - Set opacity to 20% - Add layer - Fill with black (hex 00000e) - Set opacity to 60%