1985 Topps
These 1985 Topps cards have custom card art for each team, including multiple variations of team names and colors. To use an alternate variation, you may need to go into the bb_cards images directory and update the image file names so that they only contain the team nickname you wish to use. However, if you're happy with the default art, you can use these as is. Note that the zip file is a bit larger to include all of the files.
These cards also make use of Fonzie13's BBCard Backgrounds. Without them, you will not have a background behind the player images.
Download file: Mods/bb_cards/downloads/1985_Topps.zip 1985_Topps.zip
To install, simply extract into your OOTP bb_cards directory corresponding to the computing platform you use.
- Created 8/06/2022 by Fonzie13
OOTP Forum Thread
Discussion on the OOTP forums: Topps 1985
Base Cards
All-Star Cards
See the All-Star card in the bottom right of the above.