1988 Score

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The 1988 Score baseball cards are notable as Score's first entry into the hobby. It featured a 660 card set with mutiple colors for the front, purple, blue, red, green, yellow, and orange. All 6 of the front colors are replicated here. In addition, the 1987 Highlights cards were used to model All-Star and HOF OOTP Cards. Rookie cards in this set will also have the Rookie Prospect designation on them, although to qualify as a rookie in this template, players must make their debut in the current season. Additionall, the interior white border will need to be removed manually as that isn't currently possible.


Download file: 1988_Score.zip

To install, simply extract into your OOTP bb_cards directory corresponding to the computing platform you use.


  • 08/19/2010 - Created by fhomess
  • 06/05/2014 - Updated for OOTP15 by fhomess

OOTP Forum Thread

Discussion on the OOTP forums: 1988 Score Baseball Card Template


Base Cards

Nicolaas bloem 1988 score.png

Rookie Prospect:

Joram vanbuuren 1988 score rookie wb.png

Rookie Prospect with white border removed (delete/comment out the line in the default template where indicated):

Joram vanbuuren 1988 score rookie.png


Frits vanoeveren 1988 score all-star.png

Hall of Fame

Hildebrand hofstra 1988 score hof.png